Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I've been giving free food to homeless squirrels affected by the LA fires, but...?

Yes Frankie... 100,000 homeless squirrels is no fun indeed.I've been giving free food to homeless squirrels affected by the LA fires, but...?
I cannot get away from the imagine of you feeding our nasty rabies carrying squirrels... That's so... sweet? And I am glad you put this under Religions, because I prophesy that, lol, I mean lo, thou hast a great chance to lay down thy life for the squirrely. Verily.

And I say that with visible flames within 5 miles of my house.

Thanks for the smile.I've been giving free food to homeless squirrels affected by the LA fires, but...?
How can you make jokes about something like this? How dare you! But how can we expect you to understand the devasting truth of what is going on? It's not like you live in that area.......
This is squirrel grooming you perv. Talk about getting your kicks for peanuts. Here here Nutkin I've got a peanut and a warm place for you.

Of course Frankie is right. You frivolous Bastah!!
You have to first read them the bible and the ones that are not hungry enough will leave.

PS you can replace the bible with any other novel, squirrels wont care
call the political correctness police
Fires are serious and you find time to make jokes about them? Shame on you.
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