Saturday, August 21, 2010

How do i clean squirrels so i can eat them?

Pretty easy, really.

After you kill the squirrel, take your knife and cut a hole in the center of his back, crosswise of his body. Make the hole about a inch wide. Next, insert on finger from either hand into the opening, and pull just enough to make the hole large enough to get a better grip with more fingers. Then just pull your hands apart. The skin will usually tear around the squirrel, leaving it looking very much like a pair of pants and a shirt on the squirrel. Pull off the top part first, the ';shirt'; pulling the skin up until his wrist and neck is free of skin. Then break the wrist and cut loose below the freed skin. Remove the head, and the skin from the ';shirt'; has the head and front feet in it. Unless you plan on eating the brains, throw it away. Personally, I'll leave squirrel brains and scrambled eggs to the old-timers!

Next, hit the bottom half, the ';pants'; Same basic procedure, but this time you're gonna have some intestines at the bottom, and if it was a male squirrel there's gonna be some more equipment down there...just yank it or cut it off.

Now when you open it up, use just the tip of your knife. Put your finger on the backside of the blade, about a half inch or so from the point, so you don't bust any internal organs. Horrible smell...avoid if possible. Start at the pelvis and run the blade all the way up to the ribcage. At this point, rupturing organs are no longer a concern, so go ahead and slice the ribcage open, sternum to throat. Slide your fingers into the abdomen cavity, and pull out the internals. Make sure you get all of it; it's not hard. Next, remove the lungs and heart. Make sure to get the windpipe. Also, remember to bust the pelvis and make sure you get all the intestines and any droppings that may have squeezed out.

Take the squirrel inside, wash it with cold water, remove the legs and cut in half about halfway up the body. Fill a fairly large bowl with saltwater, and put the dressed squirrel in it and put the whole thing in the refridgerator for at least a few hours, or overnight. Then, pull the squirrel out, wash it, and either cook it, or freeze it.

I, personally, prefer mine fried, although squirrel dumplings are great, too...How do i clean squirrels so i can eat them?
slice the hide across the back making a large enough cut to get 2 fingers from each hand under the hide pull equally towards the head %26amp; the tail, pull the hide in front up to the head and cut the head off freeing the hide as well, do the same thing on the tail end, you can cut the paws off first to make it easier, after the head %26amp; hide are off open up the belly %26amp; gut the squirrel, wash the carcass well season and roast, bake, fry or stew to taste.How do i clean squirrels so i can eat them?
officer 23 has it right. I like to make my cut on the back skin high and that way, I can pull the ';shirt'; up and cut off the paws and head right there. I then pull the ';pants'; off the squirrel and then gut it and wash it out after cutting off the tail and feet. Then soak them overnight in salt water. Good eating!
Well, I had a baby hawk one time and had to teach the bird to eat, fly, kill etc. I did in my share of squirrels to feed that hawk. Once you start taking of the skin it's pretty self explanatory. Plenty of meat on a squirrel, I was amazed myself.
Cut off the head, tail and feet, then skin and gut them. A little salt and garlic, then into the frying pan. Yum.
ummm thats kind of wierd..
1 - catch squirrel

2 - kill squirrel by slicing throat - hang upside down to drain blood

3. skin squirrel

4 - gut squirrel

5 - BBQ squirrel and enjoy with a nice glass of Shiraz
Officer has got it. That is the fastest and easiest way to do it. I got 15 the little buggers in my freezer. And they are tasty.
Are you a hillbillbillie?
Uh..why would you eat a squirrel? They're so darn adorable!
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