Saturday, August 21, 2010

Are squirrels and rats in NYC mating and having offspring?

they can't interbreed, but squirrels by themselves and rats by themselves sure do have lots of little 'uns running around. squirrels in the parks, rats in subways, and roaches in the buildings. its an invasion of vermin!Are squirrels and rats in NYC mating and having offspring?
I suspect NYC and Chicago are having rat problems, but have not been there in quite a few years.

In Detroit there is a HUGE and BURGEONING RAT POPULATION. You can see them running around everywhere, even downtown, through alleys, around the Main Post Office.

There is a big problem in Detroit with people throwing fast food trash around. They throw it out of cars quite a bit, especially during the rats' prime feeding time, 10pm to 2am.

There is lots of edible stuff in trash cans and dumpsters behind restaurants, and even where trash is put into cans.

The City government is using nearly all money for salaries, very little for infrastructure, repairs, maintenance, oversight of loafing by city workers, rodent control and all the necessary items that enable a city to work.

Police are more in demand than ever before, shootings are rampant, even in churches lately. But the police forces have been reduced owing to budget deficits caused by mismanagement.

There has been a strange proliferation of black squirrels, it looks like they are replacing the gray ones that were vastly predominant 10 years ago. No idea why this color change, but it may keep them slightly warmer at the beginning and end of winter, when it is still cold but they are out and about looking for food.

I have seen some squirrels here eating junk food trash, also bird nestlings. Are they becoming carnivores? That would be remarkable.

This year we will probably find out how birds here will be affected or not by the Bird Flu.Are squirrels and rats in NYC mating and having offspring?
Squirrels and rats are both rodents but they do not interbreed. The animals may seem to take on characteristics of the other depending on the environment they live in (squirrels may seem to have flat fur or rats the stand up kind.) It's just environmental. Nothing Sci Fi going on here.

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