Saturday, July 31, 2010

What's the best way of getting squirrels out of your attic?

they make traps just for that. it catches them alive and you can release them in the woods.What's the best way of getting squirrels out of your attic?
Soak some acorns in rum then scatter them on the floor. Once the squirrels are drunk you can grab them and put them outside.What's the best way of getting squirrels out of your attic?
call a professional
by getting some bankers... lol, have you seen that commercial? but seriously, call pest control.
I have the same problem. I try to block up the holes to keep them out, but I haven't been very successful. Do you have a lot of trees around your house? I'd like to get rid of all the trees around mine, but that's not very practical. If you find a good answer, please let me know!

Good luck!
get a cat

Serve PBJ in the kitchen? Or you could get humane traps at the sporting goods store. Animal control will come get them once they're caught.
hang out your nuts
see a ';Shrink'; !
Taking antidepressants
by putting a snake up there, or placing moth balls up there.
Cats. It's like serving a eviction notice.
Grenade LOl or show them your squirrel.
By fixing the hole there coming in from.

best get to it fast thy can do a lot of damage.
Shoot them
Put 3 cats up there.
Politely ask them to leave..if they dont bring in the big guns
Flame Thrower!

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